Chinese Arts and Cultural Secretariat of USM (USM SKKT) upholds the mission of inheriting the Chinese culture to the university students and the public. The Mid-Autumn Lantern Making Workshop is one of the activities that is organized by the USM SKKT with the aim to bring the students back to the good old days and experience the fun in making lanterns. Participants will then parade around the campus with their handmade lanterns on hand, as if they were walking around the street with their childhood buddies when they were young. The workshop seems to be easy and simple, but it is a very meaningful activity which brings out the simple feelings that have gradually been forgotten.
《情满中秋•你我相系》为理大中华艺术坊所举办的灯笼工作坊。顾名思义,“情满中秋”便是在这中秋佳节里,富含着游子们对故乡的怀念之情;“你我相系”则是希望此灯笼工作坊可将大学里的华裔生凝聚在这特别的节日里。中秋佳节正是初来乍到的新生们与暑假后重返校园的大学生们所庆祝的第一个华人节庆。因此,本坊举办此工作坊让身在异乡的游子们能够体验在他乡庆中秋的氛围,学习如何亲手制作华人传统灯笼及体验在大学提着灯笼环游校园的感受。同时,亦希望能够借此活动让华人传统文化,尤其灯笼所代表着的意义得以发扬光大继而达到连锁效应,世代相传 。
【A Lantern Night】
‘A Lantern Night’ workshop was organized by Chinese Arts and Cultural Secretariat of USM (USM SKKT). As the name implies, it is a lantern making workshop where everyone has the opportunity to learn and make lanterns while getting to make new friends through exciting games! The Mid-Autumn Festival will be the first Chinese festival for all the new intake students. Therefore, USM SKKT organized ‘A Lantern Night’ workshop so that all the students can experience the atmosphere of celebrating the Mid-Autumn Festival in university and bring them back to their familiar memories. Participants can learn the skills of making a handmade lantern and parade around the campus with their handmade lanterns on hand. At the same time, we hope to promote the Chinese culture, especially the meaning of lanterns to all the students.
【月缘下•牵灯情 TANGLUNG WORKSHOP 2017】