

【A New Angle】

Chinese New Year is one of the largest and important festivals celebrated by the Chinese community for more than thousands of years. However, as time goes by, the Chinese New Year celebration is no longer as lively as before. In order to ensure the inheritance of the Chinese culture, The USM 12th Chinese New Year Charity Gala Celebration will be presented in a modern and neoteric way so that the public can have a new perspective on the Chinese New Year Celebration and be more interested in this festival. 


理大新春向来以慈善为首要目的,在庆祝新春的当儿也不忘献出温暖,对有需要的群体尽绵薄之力。第十二届理大新春慈善庆典以共襄义举为核心价值,在进行慈善活动的同时也将与身旁的每一位不分你我,携手散播爱。就如同我们今年的主题名字 ——《旭•希旺》,新的一年,新的希望。我们希望透过理大新春,给大家一个重新出发的勇气,抛开过往,迎接更美好的明天!每个人都有一个重新开始的机会,无论您是谁,经历过什么,只要有梦想,就共同实现!  

【Hands of Charity】

The USM Chinese New Year Charity Gala Celebration is a charity-based event and it aims to share love and warmth to the society. This year, we would like to involve everyone around us to join this meaningful act and together, we spread our love to those in need. In conjunction with our theme 'We Wish, We Hope', we wish to bring the feeling of a fresh start. Everyone should be given a second chance, no matter who you are and what you have gone through. By the theme 'We Wish, We Hope', we would like to present an idea to everyone, that is, if you have a dream, you will achieve it!

受益单位 BENEFICIARY units



第十二届理大新春慈善庆典推介礼LAUNCHING CEREMONY 
造势活动1.0ROADSHOW 1.0 
造势活动2.0ROADSHOW 2.0 
造势活动3.0ROADSHOW 3.0 
造势活动4.0ROADSHOW 4.0 


理大新春列活动 I 之探访残疾中心

槟城济世之家旨在帮助残疾人士适应生活、接受工作与训练,让他们有一技之长,并且教育他们如何分辨是非,与人相处之道及道德观念等等。理大新春以共襄义举为核心价值,与槟城济世之家致力合作,提倡重新出发、重拾希望,为社会的折翼天使献出一份绵力。在探访中,理大新春的团队与残疾人士进行了互动环节,其中包括设计贺年卡和简单的生肖涂绘以及呈现快闪舞蹈。不仅如此,理大新春受邀参与本次理大新春慈善庆典《旭•希旺》系列活动 III 之理大慈善义演《犹•希旺》的表演嘉宾,并借此机会呼吁众人多关注这群社会边缘人。 

Event Series I 'Visit the Fallen Angels'

Penang Cheshire Home aims to help people with disabilities adapt to life, work and involve in training to acquire skills in making a living, educate them to learn the way to distinguish right from wrong, interact with people around and instill moral values among themselves. With the core value 'Hands of Charity', we dedicate in collaborating with the objective of a helping hand to fallen angels in the society, which is in line with the objective of instilling the belief that there are always chances to begin again and regain hopes upon failure in life.

During our visit to the Home, our team carried out a few interactive activities with them such as designing Chinese New Year wish cards and colouring drawings of Chinese zodiac symbols. Our team had performed flash mob and decorated the Home for the festive season as well. Also, Penang Cheshire Home was invited to join us in the Event Series III ‘Night of Hope’ which amazed us with their outstanding performances. Meanwhile, it acted as a wake up call to the public to take to heart the welfare of the vulnerable group in our society.

理大新春系列活动 II 之电影分享会

理大新春列活动 II 有幸邀请全民电影 《一路有你》监制 —— 马全先生,分享电影制作的点点滴滴以及幕后故事。马全先生也曾参与著名电影如《Ola Bola》和电视节目《欢喜欢喜就好》的制作。在这次分享会中,马全先生也叙述了在拍摄过程中经历的难题以及如何让梦想和目标实之以践。 

Event Series II 'The Movie Night'

The Event Series II is graced by the presence of Mr. KC, the film producer of 'The Journey' which is one of the top-ranked movies in the local film listing who spent a night with us. He was a producer for some movies, for instance 'Ola-Bola'. Throughout the event, a sharing session about the filmmaking process and happenings behind the scene is carried out. Before the sharing session ended, he advised the students so that they dare to dream and be courageous to achieve it. 

理大新春列活动 III 之理大慈善义演《犹·  希旺》

理大新春系列活动 III 之理大慈善义演《犹•希旺》以慈善为主,提供平台给残疾人士让他们展现各自才能,从而提升现代社会对他们的关注。他们通过《犹•希旺》这个平台呈现各式各样的表演,包括唱歌、舞蹈和手语表演,向大众证明只要在面对困难至极不轻易言弃,那希望便会犹然存在。除此之外,他们也在现场与大家分享各自的亲身经历,故事感动之余也旨在改变社会大众对残疾者的刻板印象。 

Event Series III 'Night of Hope'

The ‘Night of Hope’ is one of the event series to raise concern towards people living with disabilities. Collaboration was carried out by providing them a platform to showcase their outstanding talents in different aspects such as singing, dancing and sign language performances. It acts as an open door for the society to notice the community whom we shall spread the love to them. Stories about themselves and self experience were told, where most of it showed the effort of never giving up easily in facing hardship, which in other way, inspired that life is always hopeful. 

理大新春系列活动 IV 之关爱流浪动物

SPCA 是一个非盈利协会,主要负责拯救与照顾受伤害的动物,并帮小动物找到领养者。SPCA 协会依靠捐助者及回收能循环物品为主要收入,从而帮助更多的流浪动物。为此,理大新春列活动 IV 之关爱流浪动物举办了回收活动,向理大生收集回收物品,借助大学生的力量,从而帮助流浪动物。身为受益单位之一的 SPCA,理大新春亦将筹得的慈善基金捐赠予其协会,并且亲自到访,为流浪动物中心重新粉刷油漆、亲自替流浪动物洗澡及与动物玩乐。 


SPCA is a non-profit organization with the main aim to save and protect injured strays mainly dogs and cats and is dedicated to seek adopters for them. SPCA relies on financial donors and collecting recyclable materials in generating income to sustain the effort in helping more strays from being abused on streets. In line with the dog as the Chinese zodiac this year, our team had carried out recycling activity, it symbolizes every little effort that contributed to the well-being of the angelic lives. Besides, our team has visited the centre to help paint the shelter for strays and volunteer in bathing of our charity funding project. 



第十二届理大新春慈善庆典《旭•希旺》文化之夜于2018年3月10日在理大总校大礼堂举行。理大新春已走过一个纪的轮回;犬年,是我们迈入第十二年的见证。因此,第十二届理大新春慈善庆典《旭•希旺》以一个新颖的方式呈现,让来宾们无论是在视觉和感官上都能体验到非一般的飨宴。美轮美奂的展览与布置、精彩绝伦的表演、趣味十足的游戏、丰厚的礼包无疑让来宾们满载而归。学长姐们也精心为《旭•希旺》文化之夜带来了深入人心的舞台剧。活动当晚也邀请了 Nicole 赖淞凤及 William 陈建宏为《旭•希旺》的表演画上完美的句点。 

The Cultural Night of The USM 12th Chinese New Year Charity Gala Celebration ‘We Wish, We Hope’ was held at Dewan Tuanku Syed Putra, USM on the 10th of March 2018. The year of Dog is the testimony that The USM Chinese New Year Charity Gala Celebration has entered the 12th year. Therefore, ‘We Wish, We Hope’ was presented in a novel way, allowing the guests to experience a brand new celebration. Beautiful exhibitions and decorations, splendid performances, fun games and generous goodies bags were prepared for the guests. Besides, the stage drama by the Student Advisors had touched the heart of all the guests. ‘We Wish, We Hope’ was drawn to a perfect ending by the performances of invited artists, Nicole and William. 

Night of Hope
Promotional Video


#USMSKKT  #USMCNY2018  #犬新犬意  #犬新出击