Autumn, a beautiful season in which leaves fall from the trees onto the ground, just like us, who leave our hometowns and stay far away from families in order to pursue our dreams. Mid-Autumn Festival is a celebration that encourages family reunion. The full moon is entrusted with the deep feelings of the wanderers towards families. As a wanderer, we are unable to celebrate this joyful occasion with our dearest one. Thus, our event is bound to let everyone feel the warmth of this autumn and enjoy the Mid-Autumn Festival to the maximum.
【Genuine Giving】
Genuine giving is a sincere contribution to others and never expects for any return. The one with the spirit of generosity will sincerely show their kindness to people in need. During Mid-Autumn Festival, the big and bright full moon shines the brilliant light onto the Earth and contributes to the families that are eager for reunion. This indicates that we can also show our dedication and selfless love to others by taking small actions in daily life. In this era of extreme busyness, we forget the true meaning of giving and become selfish to show our kindness to others. Therefore, we hope that USM Mid-Autumn Festival 2019 can be a great platform for everyone to express their selfless dedication and spread the happiness to everyone around them.
理大中秋嘉年华2019的吉祥物是由三只松鼠所组织成的一个幸福家庭。爸爸名为献献、妈妈名为俸俸而孩子则取名为怿怿,寓意着只要心存无私的奉献精神就可以收获无与伦比的快乐。这三个吉祥物也象征着秋季的来临,因为松鼠在秋季时会开始四处奔波觅食。这正符合了这次理大中秋嘉年华的主题概念 —— 秋季。秋季,松鼠会四处觅食只为了把坚果无私地分享给至亲的家人,这也传达出理大中秋嘉年华2019的核心价值 —— 奉献精神,鼓励大家心存奉献之心,打造一个和谐温暖的社会。
The mascots of USM Mid-Autumn Festival are a family of three squirrels which are the father - Xian Xian, the mother - Feng Feng and the child - Yi Yi respectively. The name of the mascots implies that everyone can gain happiness through selfless dedication in daily life. In conjunction with the theme concept of USM Mid-Autumn Festival 2019, that is, Autumn, the squirrels are used as mascots to symbolize the arrival of autumn as they will look for food in the fall. In autumn, the squirrels will search for nuts and share the food selflessly with their family. This conveys the core value of the event, Genuine Giving, which encourages everyone to dedicate with sincere heart and this will contribute to a harmonious society.
The design concept and style of USM Mid-Autumn Festival 2019 is pixel art, which is made up of small squares. This indicates the committee members from different departments of USM Mid-Autumn Festival 2019 are united and cooperate with each other in the preparation of this event in order to present a wonderful USM Mid-Autumn Festival to you! Besides, isometric style is applied to the design of the mascots to increase the three-dimensional sense of the mascots. The mascots can definitely attract you with their excellent visual performance!
电子漫画 electronic COMIC
此电子漫画书将三个家喻户晓的中秋节传说故事 —— 后羿射日、嫦娥奔月及玉兔入月宫拼接成一个生动有趣的故事,并以四宫格漫画的形式呈现出来,势必让您过目难忘!透过阅览这本电子漫画书,希望大家可以领悟到其内容所要带出的核心价值观 —— 奉献精神。此外,我们也希望大家能以一种与众不同的方式去了解流传至今的中秋节传说故事,并传承下去。
‘Genuine Giving: Autumn Bliss Folktale’ combines three well-known Mid-Autumn Festival myths, which are ‘Hou Yi Shot Down the Suns’, ‘Chang’E Ascending to the Moon’ and ‘Jade Rabbit in the Moon Palace’ into an interesting story. This electronic comic will be presented in the form of four-squared comics and will definitely make you unforgettable! We hope that everyone can aware of the underlying message that we are trying to deliver through this electronic comic, which is the core value of USM Mid-Autumn Festival 2019 - Genuine Giving. Besides, we hope that everyone can be mesmerized by the new concept of narrating the legendary myths of Mid-Autumn Festival through this electronic comic and hand down the myths to the next generation.
【人物简介 Character Profile】
During the Dynasty of the Chinese Five Emperors, there is a myth that brings out the noble value of genuine giving. Each of the unique characteristics of the characters enriches the story and make it more interesting.
Hou Yi: One of the mythological figures during the Dynasty of the Chinese Five Emperors, a courageous archer and the husband of Chang'E who will lend a helping hand to those in need.
Chang’E: One of the mythological figures during the Dynasty of the Chinese Five Emperors, a gorgeous, gentle and kind-hearted woman and Hou Yi's wife. Both Hou Yi and her are tremendously esteemed by the villagers.
Peng Meng: One of the characters during the Dynasty of the Chinese Five Emperors, the apprentice of Hou Yi who is deceit, untruthful and crafty.
Jade Rabbit: A mythical cute, mild and obedient beast during the Dynasty of the Chinese Five Emperors. The youngest daughter of Fairy Rabbit, it stays with Chang’E in the moon palace.
【第一章 The First Chapter】
相传,在很久以前,天空中曾存在着十个太阳。他们总是像自由自在的小鸟那样栖息在一棵大树上。他们按部就班地轮流交替出现在天空中照耀着大地。那时候,人们与自然界万物在陆地上幸福和睦地生活着。但好景不长。有一天,这十个太阳争先恐后地踏上了穿越天空的征程。十个太阳就像十个火团,燃烧着大地上的万物。大地龟裂了、农作物干枯了,河流与大海也干涸了,人们和动物更因为缺乏水源而无法生存。万物都在火海里挣扎着,盼望着一丝生存的机会。这时,有个勇武善射的英雄 —— 后羿出现了。由于不忍看到大地万物生活在艰苦中,他便决定奉献时间和精力去帮助百姓脱离苦海。于是,后羿历经千辛万苦,终于登上了一座险峻的大山,并毫不犹豫地射下了九个太阳。仅存的第十个太阳因孤身一个,感到非常害怕和慌张。
Once upon a time, there were ten Suns existing in the sky. Initially, they took turns to provide strength and vitality to the creatures on the Earth. During that time, the creatures on Earth lived happily and harmoniously. However, nothing lasts forever. One day, all of the ten Suns came out at once and caused the Earth to be extremely fiery and scorching. Lakes and ponds dried up, crops shriveled in the fields, humans and animals were suffered in the hot weather. Luckily, Hou Yi, who was a brave and valiant archer appeared. A feeling of sympathy on those who were suffering, he decided to help them and he was willing to sacrifice his own time and strength without further hesitation. He ascended to the peak of the mountain and successfully shot down nine out of the ten Suns with his great shooting skills. The only Sun was scared and frightened.
【第二章 The Second Chapter】
The only Sun was scared and quickly hid into the sea. Without sunlight, the Earth became dark, and the creatures on the Earth cannot grow and survive. Therefore, the people on the land prayed sincerely to the Emperor in Heaven everyday to beg for the only Sun to appear in the sky for the creatures survival. On the next morning, a golden sun rose in the east of the seaside and the people danced and cheered happily. From that day on, the sun rises in the east every day. The sun shines the brilliant sunlight upon the Earth and gives nourishment and strength to all creatures on the Earth. Besides, as a reward for the efforts and selfless dedication of Hou Yi, a title of ‘Tian Jiang’ was given by the Emperor in Heaven. After his epic deeds, Hou Yi gained instant fame and respect nationwide and a lot of people flocked to his home to learn his archery skills. However, an immoral and crafty man named Peng Meng was in the throng of people.
【第三章 The Third Chapter】
Chang’E was a gorgeous and kind-hearted girl. She always helped the villagers to solve their problems. Chang'E and Hou Yi were a pair of sweet couple. One day, when Chang'E was washing clothes by the river with her friends, a devious man named He Bo appeared. Attracted by her gorgeous appearance, He Bo started to approach her and tried to talk to her. However, Chang'E knew that He Bo had malicious intentions on her. She refused to talk with He Bo and tried to flee. She failed when He Bo pulled her into the river quickly. In the nick of time, Hou Yi appeared. Being offended by He Bo's action, Hou Yi attacked He Bo madly. Shooting at He Bo without a single miss, He Bo gave up his bad intentions on Chang'E and flee immediately due to the unbearable pain. After the incident, Chang'E and Hou Yi decided to get married earlier and they lived a happy life since then.
【第四章 The Fourth Chapter】
一天,后羿到昆仑山访友求道,在路上巧遇经过该处的王母娘娘。由于后羿想和嫦娥永远恩爱在一起,便向王母娘娘求得一包不死之药。据说服下此药的人将即刻升天成仙,但是此药仅供一人服用。后羿不舍得留下妻子孤独一人,便把不死之药交给嫦娥珍藏。正当嫦娥把药藏进梳妆台的百宝匣里时,不料,她的举动被后羿的徒弟 —— 蓬蒙撞见了!
One day, Hou Yi came across the Heavenly Empress when he was on his way to meet a friend in Kunlun Mountain. He requested sincerely to the Heavenly Empress to provide him some elixir which will make human immortal as he wanted to stay together with Chang'E forever. However, the elixir was only enough for one person to consume. Being reluctant to leave Chang'E alone, he requested Chang'E to keep it. Chang'E then kept the elixir into a box carefully, but her action was noticed by Hou Yi's apprentice, Peng Meng.
【第五章 The Fifth Chapter】
Therefore, Peng Meng pretended to be sick and managed to rest in Hou Yi's house when Hou Yi went hunting with his apprentices. Shortly after their leave, Peng Meng broke into Hou Yi’s house with a double-edged sword in his hand. He threatened Chang’E to hand over the elixir. Chang’E knew that people will suffer if the elixir was taken by Peng Meng. In the nick of time, Chang’E swallowed the elixir promptly. When Hou Yi came back, he felt strange when he saw Chang’E looked uneasy and her face was mystically glimmering in red.
【第六章 The Sixth Chapter】
Chang’E knew that she left not much time together with her husband. She looked at Hou Yi affectionately with tears, asking him to take good care and requested for forgiveness for not being able to fulfill her responsibilities as a wife. As soon as she finished talking, Chang’E felt strange. Her body became lighter and lighter and then she flew towards the sky. Before Chang'E disappeared in the sky, she screamed and shouted, “Goodbye Hou Yi, my good husband! Please take good care of yourself!” Chang’E then ascended slowly to the sky and flew into the lonely and deserted palace of the moon. Thereupon, she became the fairy who lived in the moon palace.
【第七章 The Seventh Chapter】
有一天,玉皇大帝召见一只修炼千年的雄兔 —— 兔仙上天宫。当它来到南天门时,看到太白金星带领天将押着嫦娥从身边走去。兔仙感到好奇便询问身旁一位看守天门的天神。听闻嫦娥的凄惨遭遇后,兔仙觉得嫦娥无辜受罪,很同情她,但是力量微薄的兔仙却无能为力。兔仙心疼嫦娥一人孤单地待在月宫里,独自过着寂寞与悲伤的日子,便想要找个人陪伴嫦娥。这时,兔仙想起家中的四个宝贝女儿,便立即飞奔回家把嫦娥的遭遇告诉雌兔,并想把其中一个孩子送到月宫去与嫦娥做伴。几个女儿因舍不得离开父母,个个泪流满面。
The Emperor in Heaven summoned Fairy Rabbit, a male rabbit who had practiced millennium and became immortal, to the palace. When it reached the Southern Gate, he saw Great White Planet led Chang’E passed by him. Fairy Rabbit felt strange and curious. Therefore, he asked the door’s guard. After listening to her miserable experience, Fairy Rabbit sympathized with Chang’E and it felt that she was innocent. However, it can do nothing to her. Fairy Rabbit wanted to find someone to accompany the sad and lonely Chang'E in the moon palace. Suddenly, it realised that it has four daughters which can be companion to her. Then, it quickly went back home and tell the stories about Chang’E to the female rabbit. It wanted to send one of his daughters to accompany Chang’E in the moon palace. Its daughters cried as they were reluctant to leave their parents.
【第八章 The Eighth Chapter】
兔仙表示嫦娥为了解救百姓而受到牵累,并劝孩子们改变心意。当女儿们明白了父亲的肺腑之言后,都自愿到月宫陪伴嫦娥。兔仙最后决定将最幼小的女儿 —— 玉兔送到月宫去。小玉兔深情告别父母和姐姐们后,便飞到月宫去陪伴嫦娥。
The Fairy Rabbit hoped its daughters were willing to accompany Chang’E as it was her kindness to save people which caused her to suffer. After listening to its words, all of its daughters were willing to accompany Chang’E in the moon palace. After discussing, Fairy Rabbit and the female rabbit decided to send their youngest daughter named Jade Rabbit to the moon palace. The Jade Rabbit bade a fond farewell to her parents and sisters before went to the moon palace.
Besides, Hou Yi was deeply grieved and always looked up to the sky when he missed his beloved wife. He realised that the moon was extraordinarily bright and there was a swaying shadow which looks like Chang’E. Therefore, he always offered incense under the moon to deliver his feelings to his wife who was in the moon palace. When people knew that Chang’E became a fairy in the moon palace, they always worshipped the moon and prayed for their good fortune. Henceforth, worshipping the moon becomes a traditional custom of Mid-Autumn Festival until now.
【完结篇 Epilogue】
‘Genuine Giving: Autumn Bliss Folktale’ is an electronic comic which composed of three well-known Mid-Autumn Festival myths. This electronic comic conveys the spirit of selfless dedication and spread this spirit to the society, so that more people can realize the valuable moral values in this joyous Mid-Autumn Festival. In this interesting electronic comic, the characters showed the spirit of selfless dedication through their words and actions.
In the electronic comic, Hou Yi gave selfless dedication and efforts to rescue the creatures on the Earth by shooting down the nine Suns. Then, when the Earth was dark, human creatures on the Earth dedicated their sincerity and prayed to the Emperor in Heaven in order to let the only Sun to appear in the sky for the creatures survival. Besides, when evil Peng Meng threatened Chang’E to give him the elixir, Chang’E decided to swallow the elixir herself and lived in the moon palace lonely because she wanted to save the people. One day, after hearing to the miserable encounter of Chang’E, the Fairy Rabbit was deeply sympathize with her and decided to dedicate its love by sending one of his daughters to accompany Chang’E in the moon palace. Finally, the youngest daughter was willing to live in moon palace with Chang’E and send the warmth to her.
‘Genuine Giving: Autumn Bliss Folktale’ will definitely become a book of enlightenment and a companion for everyone to spend an unforgettable Mid-Autumn Festival!
【献•爱心 】
理大中秋嘉年华2019《献•秋怿》于2019年10月1日(星期二)及2日(星期三)举办为期两天的《献•爱心》捐血运动。此捐血运动是为了鼓励大家透过自己的举动贡献小小的力量且不求回报地付出以帮助他人重拾快乐,自己也能从中收获满满的喜悦。这也正符合了理大中秋嘉年华2019的核心价值 —— 奉献精神。多一点奉献,少一点冷漠,绝对能建立一个有爱心且温暖的社会。
【Blood Donation Campaign】
USM Mid-Autumn Festival 2019 ‘A Gift In The Autumn Bliss’ carried out a blood donation campaign on the 1st of October (Tuesday) and the 2nd of October (Wednesday). The purpose of this blood donation campaign is to encourage everyone to show dedication and selfless love to others by taking small actions. These small actions not only can spread happiness to others, but also enable us to reap the harvest with joy. This campaign conveys the core value of the event, Genuine Giving, where everyone is encouraged to dedicate with sincere heart and eventually a warm and harmonious society will be formed.
活动当天的《小奉献,大力量》温馨环节在大家的踊跃参与下得以顺利进行!在此环节中,每亲手折上30只纸鹤便可将其兑换成一粒月饼,送给指定机构。在大家的热烈响应和支持下,理大中秋嘉年华2019成功筹得3480只爱心纸鹤,并将其兑换成116个美味可口的月饼。配合理大中秋嘉年华2019《献•秋怿》的核心价值 —— 奉献精神,理大中秋的筹委们也以爱付诸行动,把月饼送给槟城救世军孤儿院的儿童们,奉献满满的爱心,温暖他们的心窝。这家救世军孤儿院成立于1938年,专门帮助贫穷和有需要的小孩,给予他们满满的爱、温暖和保护。奉献精神,永垂不朽!
【Origami Paper Crane Folding Workshop】
Thank you for the active involvement of each and everyone of you in the origami paper crane folding workshop on event day which made the workshop go on wheels. In this workshop, each 30 handmade paper cranes will be redeemed for a delicious mooncake and sent to meaningful organizations. With the enthusiastic engagement and great support of the public, 3480 meaningful origami paper cranes were successfully collected and redeemed with 116 delicious mooncakes. In conjunction with the core value of USM Mid-Autumn Festival 2019, Genuine Giving, our committee members also delivered these mooncakes to the children of The Salvation Army Penang Childrens Home to dedicate the love and warmth to them. The Salvation Army Penang Children Home was founded in 1938 and is focused on helping the poor and needy children as well as providing them love, care, shelter and protection.
A Gift in the Autumn Bliss
#USMSKKT #USMMAF2019 #鹤临怿秋 #悦献温情